Thursday, May 30, 2013


Today I went to the lounge which is our school attic. It was so fun. We did our school work and played on our school iPads. It was so relaxing.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Brewer Day

Today my class had a Brewer Day. We had a special lunch we had hot dogs, chips, carrots, pickles, and brownies. We also had out of uniform to wear brewer clothes. My class went outside and played a kickball game this afternoon. Brewers Day was so fun!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Today my class went to a seminary it was so big. A seminary is a place were people train to become priests. The place was so big to hold so much stuff there was a bowling alley, a gym, and a huge stair case that lead us to the top of the building. It was a beautiful sight and we saw Lake Michigan and the whole town. It was so fun!

Friday, May 3, 2013

First Week of May

Busy week! We had the pleasure of Mrs. Fussell teaching us Junior Achievement and we learned many things about our community. We learned about zoning, blueprints, starting a restaurant, designing a menu and being contributors as journalist to the newspaper. It was a lot of fun.

Still exploring crayfish in 3rd grade and visited the 5K kids to check out their science. We were thrilled when we saw the corn snake in their room. Check out your child's blog to see them with the snake.

Miss the paperless week!

Earth Day

My challenge today is to try to save a tree by not using paper all day with
my class. We will begin the day blogging about what Earth Day is all about.
We will discuss the history of Earth Day and talk about what small things
we can do preserve God's creation.
Earth Day PhotoImage from:

Paperless Week

Our class tried going paperless for a week and we did! We used the ipads and the computers. We even learned to use Google Docs for doing our spelling test. We did 6 Traits in writing where we need to visualize our words and we drew creative pictures on dry erase boards. In reading we worked on reading strategies using the app "Tools 4 Kids." Math was done on the smartboard and homework was on websites and ipad apps. The class was more engaged this week with learning. I would love to do it more often.