Sunday, December 14, 2014

Advent/ St. Lucy

We are preparing for Christmas with kind acts this Advent Season. Each week begins with a prayer service on our four weeks of Advent. We are celebrating Faith, Joy, Peace and Love. Each day we fill in our Jesse Tree packet as we learn about the Chosen People leading up to the birth of Jesus.

On Friday we celebrated the Feast of St. Lucy. The third grade girls visited each class as they sang "This Little Light of Mine" and delivered donuts to the classroom.


We were so happy to have a surprise visit from Santa. Our shelf elves have hidden well in our classroom and continue to report to Santa that the third graders are being good.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

       ✨We are thankful for the opportunity to teach and learn from your children everyday. They are a joy and inspiration to us. We are thankful for your generous support throughout the year. Together we make Lumen Christi Catholic School a true place to be thankful for.✨
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kathy and Fred

Friday, November 21, 2014

Veterans Day

On Wednesday,November 19,2014 it was Veterans Day! Our school invited all the Veterans to a special Mass. After the Mass the all of the students sang two very special songs. We also had food for them. After they got their food our class and Mr.Boo's class got to go talk with them. Some peoplewere nurses and some fought in the war and some people entertained the solders. It was so much fun to talk with them. They were very interesting! I hope we can do it again! By Olivia 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Peep Boxes

Great job on the Halloween "peep boxes." We put them on display for the whole school to see. Here is a peek at a few of them.


The children had a great time being in costumes and pretending to be their characters. The parade was cold, windy and fun! They are a great group that have a lot of fun together.🎃👻

Friday, October 31, 2014

Faith Builders

Today the Faith Builders from the Mequon campus shared their faith with us. The kids learned the meaning of "hallow" which means holy. Halloween means "All Hallows" or Holy Eve. In other words, the day before All Saints Day.  The saints that they learned about included Daniel, St. Sophia, Noah, St. Joan of Arc, Archangel Michael, St. Patrick, St. Joseph and St. Barbara. They had fun playing carnival games with the "saints."

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Checkout LCTV on the school website. We were the news announcers for Tuesday, October, 28, 2014. It was a nice experience in choosing news ideas and writing short clips. Sean and Michael S. did a great job as videographers. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day was very special to all of us. Mr. Bucheger class did the Mass and Ava and Sean were acolytes. After Mass the grandparents came Into the classrooms for muffins and juice. The kids had fun sharing their work and activities. They shared their blogs, showed them Extra Math and Compass Learning on the computers. In Mrs. Callahan's class they enjoyed the spelling Game "Popcorn." They are always invited to visit us. It was an awesome time!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Calcite Quest

Mrs. Callahan's class is trying to discover if calcite is found in certain rocks. The kids mixed vinegar with balsa let, marble, sandstone and limestone rocks. The evidence for calcite is if there are bubbles surrounding the rock. Still waiting on results from the evaporation phase.


In religion class we have been discussing the beauty of God's creation. We all wrote intentions that we share each day where we are asking for God's loving care. If you would like any special intentions to be included in our box, please send them with your child.

Friday, September 19, 2014


The third graders are excited about the responsibility of being acolytes. Ben and Lilly did an excellent job being acolytes at Mass. 

Math Facts

 We are working in improving our fluency in math. We have a packet of math sheets in a plastic sleeve that we can take home and practice. Every  Friday we are then tested on how well we can do in one minute. Our goal is for all of us to be successful in our facts!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Photos from science

Our future scientists at work.

Week of September 8th -12th

It was a great week. In religion we shared our favorite stories from the Old Testament. Mr.B's class did a beautiful job with their class Mass and Ben was an awesome acolyte. Your child's date for being an acolyte was sent home. We will also put reminders on our calendar. We hope you can join us for their special day of being an acolyte. In science Mrs. Callahan's class is studying Earth Materials and the class had a great time smashing mock rocks and then experiments to figure out the ingredients that made the mock rock. Mr. B's class is studying Earth, Moon and Sun and they had fun building a model of the distance between the earth and moon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Third Grade

We are excited to be in third grade because it is fun.....we are the oldest..... we get to be acolytes...and much more.....Follow us through our journey in third grade!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to Lumen Christi 2014-2015

                               Let Your Light Shine!
Our school theme is "Let Your Light Shine."
Our goal is to shine in our faith and share our talents with everyone around us.   
We are excited for the school year!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thank You

Thank you to all of the generous volunteers that helped make the "First Communion Breakfast" such a special time. It has been a tradition at our school for over 25 years. Thank you to the set-uo people, servers, clean- up crew and the generous donations of all of the food and drinks.

May God bless all of you!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Multiplication - Ice cream sundae

The third graders celebrated knowing their multiplication facts with an ice cream sundae. Be sure to continue practicing the facts!

Book Report

Great job on sharing their favorite book characters.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Mock Rocks

Learn all about our cool Mock Rock project in science. This video is presented by

Life Structures video

Enjoy this great 30 Hands presentation by Xavier! We are studying life structures:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Events from 3rd quarter

The school year is going so fast. Many things happened during the 3rd quarter. Besides dealing with freezing weather and lots of indoor recesses we learned many things. We learned multiplication and division facts, figured out different geometric shapes, the perimeter and area of shapes, and lots of problem solving in the real world. In Social Studies we discussed immigration, slavery, Civil War, and how communities have changed during these events. We ended the unit by researching inventions that have made the communities of today so different from the past. We did this project in a power point and were able to present our project to the class. We ended the quarter by taking Iowa tests. They take a lot of time, but they are not so bad. We earned our reward for PBIS by completing the rainbow for great "hallway" behavior.

Discovery World

The 3rd graders had an awesome day at Discovery World. There was so much to explore. We learned about energy,sea creatures, and a big ship called the Challenge. We petted stingrays and layed on a needle bed. 

Discovery World is so much fun that you should go every day!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

We really enjoyed the long vacation. The polar vortex with wind chills at -45 degrees was enough to keep us home for two extra days. It was nice to get back to school. Since we have been back we have been very busy. We are becoming experts at multiplication and division. We are looking forward to doing our facts and earning an ice cream sundae. The uber words from Mr. Dufner are hard, but most of us get them right. The word this week was "fluorescent." Map testing is this week and we are working in math in the Compass program. We are doing a few projects to getting ready for Catholic Schools Week. We think we will be busy all year!