Friday, April 18, 2014

Mock Rocks

Learn all about our cool Mock Rock project in science. This video is presented by

Life Structures video

Enjoy this great 30 Hands presentation by Xavier! We are studying life structures:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Events from 3rd quarter

The school year is going so fast. Many things happened during the 3rd quarter. Besides dealing with freezing weather and lots of indoor recesses we learned many things. We learned multiplication and division facts, figured out different geometric shapes, the perimeter and area of shapes, and lots of problem solving in the real world. In Social Studies we discussed immigration, slavery, Civil War, and how communities have changed during these events. We ended the unit by researching inventions that have made the communities of today so different from the past. We did this project in a power point and were able to present our project to the class. We ended the quarter by taking Iowa tests. They take a lot of time, but they are not so bad. We earned our reward for PBIS by completing the rainbow for great "hallway" behavior.

Discovery World

The 3rd graders had an awesome day at Discovery World. There was so much to explore. We learned about energy,sea creatures, and a big ship called the Challenge. We petted stingrays and layed on a needle bed. 

Discovery World is so much fun that you should go every day!!