Friday, September 26, 2014

Calcite Quest

Mrs. Callahan's class is trying to discover if calcite is found in certain rocks. The kids mixed vinegar with balsa let, marble, sandstone and limestone rocks. The evidence for calcite is if there are bubbles surrounding the rock. Still waiting on results from the evaporation phase.


In religion class we have been discussing the beauty of God's creation. We all wrote intentions that we share each day where we are asking for God's loving care. If you would like any special intentions to be included in our box, please send them with your child.

Friday, September 19, 2014


The third graders are excited about the responsibility of being acolytes. Ben and Lilly did an excellent job being acolytes at Mass. 

Math Facts

 We are working in improving our fluency in math. We have a packet of math sheets in a plastic sleeve that we can take home and practice. Every  Friday we are then tested on how well we can do in one minute. Our goal is for all of us to be successful in our facts!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Photos from science

Our future scientists at work.

Week of September 8th -12th

It was a great week. In religion we shared our favorite stories from the Old Testament. Mr.B's class did a beautiful job with their class Mass and Ben was an awesome acolyte. Your child's date for being an acolyte was sent home. We will also put reminders on our calendar. We hope you can join us for their special day of being an acolyte. In science Mrs. Callahan's class is studying Earth Materials and the class had a great time smashing mock rocks and then experiments to figure out the ingredients that made the mock rock. Mr. B's class is studying Earth, Moon and Sun and they had fun building a model of the distance between the earth and moon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Third Grade

We are excited to be in third grade because it is fun.....we are the oldest..... we get to be acolytes...and much more.....Follow us through our journey in third grade!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to Lumen Christi 2014-2015

                               Let Your Light Shine!
Our school theme is "Let Your Light Shine."
Our goal is to shine in our faith and share our talents with everyone around us.   
We are excited for the school year!
