Monday, December 21, 2015

Our Last Days of 2015

We celebrated the end of 2015 with a Christmas concert. Our songs were about the Wise men and we created our crowns in art class. We loved the songs that Mrs. Melichar chose for us. The concert night was fun. Knowing we would be tired the next day, we had a "Pajama Day." We made our bird feeders, read books, and had a special birthday cake to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

Merry Christmas!

Kindness Elf

During the Advent season we did a variety of activities to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Each class learned about the Jesse tree and had an activity packet that explained the ancestors of Jesus. We added personal family prayers to our prayer chain every day and we had a "Kindness Elf." 

Each day the Kindness Elf left us a card with a suggestion of kind acts for us to do. Some of our activities included: making cards for teachers, family members, the fire department and our Lumen Christi neighbors which we hung on their door knobs. We donated towels to the Humane Society. We made Christmas ornaments with the kids in 4K and we made pine cone bird feeders for our bird friends and hung them on the back fence. It was fun having an activity of kindness to do each day. We are now ready for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Native American Projects

In Social Studies we learned about the Anasazi Native Americans and about the first settlers and their struggles at Jamestown. We then paired everyone with a partner and chose a Native American tribe to study. Points that were covered were regions that they lived in, housing, clothing, transportation, technology, artifacts and any other interesting facts. We then compared the facts to what they do today. After the research the information was placed in a power point presentation  or in the iPad app Explain Everything and then published to our Lumen Christi YouTube channel. We learned a lot and enjoyed the research process.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Service for Lumen Christi Parish

The 3rd graders assisted the parish by removing the old prayer books and replacing them with the booklets of the New Year.  It is important for the children to understand the different ways they can serve the faith community. The children were very generous in their cash donations to buy turkeys and brought in lots of pumpkin and apple pies for the families at Notre Dame Middle School. 

The pictures show them working in the church and the favorite part was dumping the old booklets in the dumpster!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

Today was Veterans Day. We held a special mass for the Veterans. Our teacher told us about this person who was in the German war and she worked in a hospital. She said it was scary because she saw people who died and with lost body parts. I spoke to another person and he said that it was fun because he gave shots to soldiers.  One other person said that in the Marines it was scary and he was only 19! I had so much fun today.  Written by KK



It's Halloween! My school had a big parade!! It was awesome when I got to see everyone's costume. I was a skeleton girl. When we had the parade we all just took a walk around the block. It was freezing!! I didn't even have a jacket! Good thing one of my friends had a spare jacket with her and she let me use it. When we got back we took pictures. We took one of all the girls and a class picture. Some kids were scary and some were not. Everyone had a unique costume. All the teachers wore things  from Dr.Suess stories! My teacher Mrs. Callahan was thing 7. Some teachers even wore big bows and blue wigs! I love Halloween! Bye, Isabel!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Hallow Eve

The Faithbuilders from Mequon came to visit for a morning of learning about Saints and playing some games. It was fun sharing our faith today. Take a peak at us in action.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Grandparents Day

We started this special day with Mass followed by special songs for our grandparents. After Mass we went to the gym to present a "basketball routine" that we learned from our PE teacher Mrs. Berns. We invited our grandparents to our classrooms and shared with them the different things we are learning. In Mrs. Callahan 's class they saw the spelling activity "Popcorn" and Grandma Wermers won! It was great sharing our school with our grandparents.

Soles for Education

Both of our classes had full cooperation in collecting quarters for "Acts of Kindness." The money collected was donated to Soles for Education.


The third graders are now acolytes. Mr. B and Mrs. Callahan taught us about our responsibilities being an acolyte. It is exciting to be a part of our faith community in such a special way. Every week two students will have this responsibility. Come and see us at Mass.

Science - Earth Materials

One of our science units is studying earth materials. We start out with a "mock rock" and we break it apart to discover the " minerals" that can be found in a rock. We work with similiar tools and follow a process that is done by a geologist. Each of us keeps a notebook to record our  findings. We took our own photos of our rock and experiments and put the information into a presentation on the app Explain Everything. This activity was then published to our school YouTube account. Enjoy the photos of us at work.

First Week in Third Grade

The third graders gathered together to learn about their responsibilities this year. Third graders do many jobs at the Thiensville campus. The jobs include delivering milk to the kindergarteners, picking up the daily mail, collecting charts and running errands for Mrs. Bersch. They look forward to this responsibility. 
Here we are working together to make "super stars" for the hallway.

Third Grade 2015-2016

Welcome to the third grade blog. We are excited to be the leaders of the Thiensville campus.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

End of the Year

It was a wonderful year.
Thank you to everyone! 
Enjoy the memories!