Friday, January 30, 2015


The third graders are learning about polygons. A polygon is a flat shape with sides. A circle is not a polygon. According to Michael B. and Fredo the polygons are triangles, rectangles, octagon, squares,trapezoid, parallegram, rhombus, decagon, pentagon and hexagon. We took these shapes and created people and Lilly created a dog. They then told stories about them. Take a peek at their imagination.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Catholic Schools Week

We started Catholic Schools Week at the Mequon campus with a special Mass.We sat with our 7th grade buddies for Mass. Afterwards we went to the gym and got into teams. There was one child from each grade on a team. The different teams went off to different activities. One activity was Jump Rope for Heart in the gym. We raised a lot of money for this event. After jumping around groups went to another activity. One was "Trivia" where we went around to different stations and answered questions. We had a final play off with 3 teams in the gym. It was lots of fun. The other planned activity was making bookmarks that were taken to Newcastle to share with the residences. We also made cards for Children's Hospital and played Bingo. We ended the fun day with our 7th grade buddies playing a drawing game. Lots of fun and laughs! Great day, great memory and blessed that we are able to share our faith with our friends!

Wacky Wednesday

Catholic Schools Weeks continues with Wacky Wednesday. The children were very creative with dressing "wacky." We still had a regular work day, but we found the time to take pictures of ourselves and friends and wrote on our own blogs. Check it out.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


We are studying geometry in Math. We explored the different types of road signs and were amazed at how many shapes there are in road signs. Does that mean driving is hard because there are so many road signs? 
Next we created different geometric shapes on geo boards. Below are some of our creations.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Check out 3rd Grade Website

The third graders wrote amazing Christmas stories and they are now on the front page of the third grade website. Check it out and enjoy our stories!😊

3B's Science - Exploring Mock Rocks

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. Everyone was excited to be back at school after a two week vacation. What no one expected was freezing weather and indoor recess all week. Since we are a great group we found many indoor activities to do. It was fun when we all ate together in the classroom and played the game Guestures. Some funny demonstrations were performed for us to guess. Looking forward to a great 2015.

Frisbee's move

Today Frisbee moved.First he was outside hanging on a string. And then about 2 minutes later he was gone. It has been fun looking for Frisbee everyday. It also has not been too hard being good.