Thursday, March 26, 2015

Author Margaret Peterson Haddix

The third graders had lunch with world famous author Margaret Haddix Peterson! They were excited to have an opportunity to meet her. The children had an opportunity to talk with her while eating lunch. They asked many interesting questions about her writing and becoming an author. She published her first book when she was 30 years old and has written and published 34 more. 

The children had an opportunity to have their books personally signed. It was a day that many will always remember!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Junior Achievement

In third grade we are having Junior Achievement. We are learning about zones and communities. Each class has a parent to help us learn. In Mrs.Callahan's class Olivia's mom and Michael's dad help out and in Mr. Bucheger's class it is Nate's mom. Junior Achievement ties in with what we are learning about in Social Studies. Junior Achievement is really fun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Teacher Raffle

The Teacher Raffle was a huge success for our school. Everyone had fun putting in their tickets with hopes of winning a prize. The third graders had fun helping the 4 K kids place their tickets in the bags.
The winner for Olaf was in Mrs. Doherty's class. The third graders won some great class prizes. Michael B. won the kickball game with Fr. Dan, Ava time for playing cards, Jonah the root beer floats, and Michael S. won the bubblegum! We are all winners because the money raised goes for things for the students!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Food Portraits

In art class we learned about Giuseppe Arcimboldo. His art is made from using fruit and vegetables. He was very creative and his art motivated us to create our own "Food Portraits." Enjoy!

Shamrock Raffle

Who's ready for some prizes? Friday is the Teacher Treasure Raffle. The teachers are putting on a raffle for the kids. Each kid brings in money and puts it in a bag to have their ticket. One of our big prizes is Olaf! He is a piƱata filled with candy and prizes. Good luck!


We are preparing are hearts to show our love to God. Jesus taught us about sacrifice and love. We shared our thoughts about what we could do during Lent. We took our ideas and placed them in a wordle to symbolize our thoughts and wrote a paragraph about our plans for the season of Lent.