Thursday, April 23, 2015


We had a fun "good-bye" party for our friend Claire. The family is moving to Tennessee. We wish them the best and will miss them.

Enjoy Tennessee!

Teacher Treasure Prize

The third graders won the Root Beer Float party on the Teacher Treasure Raffle!  Thank you Mrs. Smart!

4th Grade Visit

We had a wonderful visit with the 4th graders. We started the day going to Mass with a 4th grade buddy. After that time was spent with each teacher and we learned about the happenings in 4th grade. Time was spent doing centers and other fun learning activities. Sharing the morning with the 4th graders was a great way to get us excited to coming to the Mequon campus. Thank you Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Suhr and all 4th graders for a wonderful experience. Get ready, we are excited to come!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Girls Lunch

On Fridays the third grade girls eat lunch together in Mrs. Callahan's classroom. It has been a fun year just chatting about any topic. Today was the last "girls lunch" for Claire and the girls shared memories going back to kindergarten. Lots of funny stories. They do grow up quickly!

Appreciation Liturgy

Thank you to our wonderful parents for everything you do for us at Lumen Christi. We thank you for volunteering for so many things. May God bless you for making Lumen Christi a special school.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fourth Grade Visit

Today our classes went and visited the Mequon campus. It was a lot of fun. Everyone was assigned a buddy for the morning. We started our day going to Mass. After Mass we spent time with Mrs. Suhr or Mrs. Anderson. In Mrs. Suhr's room we worked in stations doing Boggle, dice story, comparing 3rd grade to 4th grade, and an activity called "add 2 more." 

In Mrs. Anderson's class we learned about what goes on in 4th grade. After that welshed multiplication bingo. We went on a tour of the school and stayed for lunch. It was a busy, but fun morning.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bubble Gum

Michael won the Bubble Gum prize in the Teachers' Rafffle. The  prize was 250 pieces of bubble gum. We shared the book Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum and proceeded to chewing the bubble gum. There was much laughter as we tried blowing bubbles. Michael and Katelyn learned how to blow a bubble.
Olivia, Deed and Ana-Lucia could blow the big ones, but the winner is Olivia for the biggest bubble.
Enjoy the pics!