Friday, October 30, 2015

Hallow Eve

The Faithbuilders from Mequon came to visit for a morning of learning about Saints and playing some games. It was fun sharing our faith today. Take a peak at us in action.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Grandparents Day

We started this special day with Mass followed by special songs for our grandparents. After Mass we went to the gym to present a "basketball routine" that we learned from our PE teacher Mrs. Berns. We invited our grandparents to our classrooms and shared with them the different things we are learning. In Mrs. Callahan 's class they saw the spelling activity "Popcorn" and Grandma Wermers won! It was great sharing our school with our grandparents.

Soles for Education

Both of our classes had full cooperation in collecting quarters for "Acts of Kindness." The money collected was donated to Soles for Education.


The third graders are now acolytes. Mr. B and Mrs. Callahan taught us about our responsibilities being an acolyte. It is exciting to be a part of our faith community in such a special way. Every week two students will have this responsibility. Come and see us at Mass.

Science - Earth Materials

One of our science units is studying earth materials. We start out with a "mock rock" and we break it apart to discover the " minerals" that can be found in a rock. We work with similiar tools and follow a process that is done by a geologist. Each of us keeps a notebook to record our  findings. We took our own photos of our rock and experiments and put the information into a presentation on the app Explain Everything. This activity was then published to our school YouTube account. Enjoy the photos of us at work.

First Week in Third Grade

The third graders gathered together to learn about their responsibilities this year. Third graders do many jobs at the Thiensville campus. The jobs include delivering milk to the kindergarteners, picking up the daily mail, collecting charts and running errands for Mrs. Bersch. They look forward to this responsibility. 
Here we are working together to make "super stars" for the hallway.

Third Grade 2015-2016

Welcome to the third grade blog. We are excited to be the leaders of the Thiensville campus.