Sunday, November 29, 2015

Service for Lumen Christi Parish

The 3rd graders assisted the parish by removing the old prayer books and replacing them with the booklets of the New Year.  It is important for the children to understand the different ways they can serve the faith community. The children were very generous in their cash donations to buy turkeys and brought in lots of pumpkin and apple pies for the families at Notre Dame Middle School. 

The pictures show them working in the church and the favorite part was dumping the old booklets in the dumpster!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

Today was Veterans Day. We held a special mass for the Veterans. Our teacher told us about this person who was in the German war and she worked in a hospital. She said it was scary because she saw people who died and with lost body parts. I spoke to another person and he said that it was fun because he gave shots to soldiers.  One other person said that in the Marines it was scary and he was only 19! I had so much fun today.  Written by KK



It's Halloween! My school had a big parade!! It was awesome when I got to see everyone's costume. I was a skeleton girl. When we had the parade we all just took a walk around the block. It was freezing!! I didn't even have a jacket! Good thing one of my friends had a spare jacket with her and she let me use it. When we got back we took pictures. We took one of all the girls and a class picture. Some kids were scary and some were not. Everyone had a unique costume. All the teachers wore things  from Dr.Suess stories! My teacher Mrs. Callahan was thing 7. Some teachers even wore big bows and blue wigs! I love Halloween! Bye, Isabel!