Monday, December 21, 2015

Our Last Days of 2015

We celebrated the end of 2015 with a Christmas concert. Our songs were about the Wise men and we created our crowns in art class. We loved the songs that Mrs. Melichar chose for us. The concert night was fun. Knowing we would be tired the next day, we had a "Pajama Day." We made our bird feeders, read books, and had a special birthday cake to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

Merry Christmas!

Kindness Elf

During the Advent season we did a variety of activities to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Each class learned about the Jesse tree and had an activity packet that explained the ancestors of Jesus. We added personal family prayers to our prayer chain every day and we had a "Kindness Elf." 

Each day the Kindness Elf left us a card with a suggestion of kind acts for us to do. Some of our activities included: making cards for teachers, family members, the fire department and our Lumen Christi neighbors which we hung on their door knobs. We donated towels to the Humane Society. We made Christmas ornaments with the kids in 4K and we made pine cone bird feeders for our bird friends and hung them on the back fence. It was fun having an activity of kindness to do each day. We are now ready for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Native American Projects

In Social Studies we learned about the Anasazi Native Americans and about the first settlers and their struggles at Jamestown. We then paired everyone with a partner and chose a Native American tribe to study. Points that were covered were regions that they lived in, housing, clothing, transportation, technology, artifacts and any other interesting facts. We then compared the facts to what they do today. After the research the information was placed in a power point presentation  or in the iPad app Explain Everything and then published to our Lumen Christi YouTube channel. We learned a lot and enjoyed the research process.