Friday, November 11, 2016

Adventures in 3rd grade - First Quarter - 2016

We have just finished our first quarter of third grade. It has been busy and fun with challenging learning activities.  In religion we learned about St.Francis of Assisi who is our class saint. Mrs. Ausloos provided our classes with two beautiful bird feeders that are in our Rosary Garden. We created art pieces of our favorite thing of God's creation and they are hanging in our rooms. We have planned our class Masses, celebrated Grandparents Day, All Hallows' Eve, made " Happy Halloween" cards for the residences at Newcastle and we made bookmarks for the Veterans. We celebrated a beautiful Veterans Mass. In academics we are mastering grammar. We understand the types of sentences, compound and complex sentences, coordinated conjunctions, and subcordinated conjunctions. We have begun narrative writing and we do journaling in PE. We are doing guided reading and enjoy discussing books in small groups. Hands on investigation have been an interesting way to learn about concepts in science. In Mrs. Callahan's class earth Materials "mock rocks" were picked apart and many experiments were performed in order to discover the ingredients in a "mock rock." In Mr. Bucheger's class the children experienced many ways that sound is made. At times it sounded like a symphony was bing played. We are challenged daily in math with ADD and we just keep getting smarter. We have completed two standards: place value and rounding and the other one is adding and subtracting to 1,000. Each morning we do Number of the Day and try to see who can come up with the most ways to come up with that number. It is fun motivating and challenging each other every day. The elections this fall allowed us to explore the local, state, and federal government and the leaders at each level. The children studied the election and voting process and were in charge of a mock election for grades 4K - 3rd grade. The candidates were Splat the Cat, Grace and Teacher who are characters in three books that were shared among the classrooms. In small ggroups groups they studied the books and what each candidate promised they would do if they were president. Each group made campaign posters and campaigned in the classrooms. We had everyone register to vote. We even had the real "I Voted Today" stickers. It was a great way to learn how voting works. In case you are wondering Grace won for president. We are looking forward to second quarter and more adventures in learning.  

Adventures of First Quarter 2016

We have just finished our first quarter of third grade. It has been busy and fun with challenging activities. In religion we learned about St. Francis of Assisi who is our class saint.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Welcome Cards for our Neighbors

The students decorated cards that they shared with the neighbors. The message was for God to bless us all in our new neighborhood.It was fun delivering them during the day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Discovery World

We had an amazing field trip to Discovery World. We started the adventure at the aquarium and we had a behind the scenes tour by Michael Kim's sister Theresa who is a marine biologist and an alumnae of Lumen Christi. We observed the different types of fish and we were able to touch some of them. Other highlights included being able to fly a plane, excavate soil using a huge machine, lay on a bed of nails, explore electrical currents and laugh as we shocked each other. 

We also explored the Great Lakes where we observed a simulated thunder storm. A fun activity was learning and observing how water from Thiensville travels to Lake Michigan. We were able to play on a ship that sailed on the lakes. 

The trip was a wonderful learning experience and we hope we can go back. 

Famous People

During the month of April the third graders read biographies. They had the opportunity to dress up as their famous person. Each child was interviewed to share information on their famous person. Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Bill Nye, Mia Hamm, and Harriet Tubman are just some of the people we learned about. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Fourth Grade Visit

The third graders visited the 4th classrooms at the Mequon campus. They spent time with both Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Suhr learning about life as a fourth grader. They had the opportunity to have a PE class in the new gym. It was awesome! Check out the photos of our visit.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Learning Editing

There is a reason for editors! In English we are working on opinion writing. The students have done very well expressing their opinion, but to edit their work is a challenging task. It takes time and patience to reread their work and write parts over.

 So the challenge in Mrs. Callahan's class was to see how many changes needed to be done by the whole class. Every time a child found an error in their writing they were to come up to the smart board, ring a bell, and make a tally on the smartnoard. Skip a period, ring the bell and tally, misspelled word, ring the bell and tally, run on sentence, ring the bell and tally. It was amazing how motivated the class became trying to find their mistakes. Then they shared it with a friend to look for more. Below is the tally board and we ended up with about 130 errors that they corrected. I was so proud of the class after I read their work again with either none or few errors. Job well done!

Holy Thursday

The third graders performed a very special Holy Thursday presentation for the Thiensville campus. Check out the short play and the song that they did on the YouTube channel on our school website.
Have a Happy and blessed Easter.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Irish Dancers

The Belgan Irish Dancers came to our campus and put on an amazing show. It was exciting to watch three of our classmates share their talents of Irish dance. The hard working dancers are Sophia, Ava, and Natalie. Congratulations on a great job. They were joined with three students from the Mequon campus. They are Maggie McDevitt, Tess Papageorge, and Riley West. Great dancing!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Basketball Routine

Check us out on the Lumen Christi YouTube channel. This sight can be found on the Lumen Christi homepage.

The third graders did an amazing basketball routine for their parents. Mrs. Berns has created an amazing routine to music with the kids using many skills with a basketball. It is quite impressive that 35 kids can synchronize with their steps and ball handling skills.

Congratulations 3rd graders! A job well done!

4K Reading/Project

We enjoy reading to our friends in 4K. It gives us the opportunity to practice our fluency in reading. We also helped Mrs. Stark's class make books in the app Book Creator. Their drawings about their family and favorite things were adorable. It's hard to believe just a few years ago we were drawing those kind of pictures. We helped them record their voices to make it a complete book. We always look forward to helping them.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Newcastle and Living Rosary

We ended Catholic Schools Week by going to Newcastle as a campus. We sang songs for the residences. Jake got to share the singing with his grandmother. Thank you to Mrs. Melichar for making the day so special.

At the end of the day on Friday we gathered in prayer and prayed the rosary. It was a wonderful way to share our faith and to be proud students of Lumen Christi Catholic School.


Crazy Hair and Crazy Socks

The kids loved having crazy hair! The socks were cool too! Check it out.

Catholic Schools Week

We began Catholic Schools Week with Mass at the Mequon campus. We shared the day as a whole school. The students were divided into groups of different grade levels and shared the activities as a team. Activities included Jump Rope for Heart, "Minute It To Win It" games and making quilts for Children's Hospital. At the end of the day we got a tour of the new building. It's huge!
Enjoy some pictures from the day.