Monday, March 28, 2016

Learning Editing

There is a reason for editors! In English we are working on opinion writing. The students have done very well expressing their opinion, but to edit their work is a challenging task. It takes time and patience to reread their work and write parts over.

 So the challenge in Mrs. Callahan's class was to see how many changes needed to be done by the whole class. Every time a child found an error in their writing they were to come up to the smart board, ring a bell, and make a tally on the smartnoard. Skip a period, ring the bell and tally, misspelled word, ring the bell and tally, run on sentence, ring the bell and tally. It was amazing how motivated the class became trying to find their mistakes. Then they shared it with a friend to look for more. Below is the tally board and we ended up with about 130 errors that they corrected. I was so proud of the class after I read their work again with either none or few errors. Job well done!

Holy Thursday

The third graders performed a very special Holy Thursday presentation for the Thiensville campus. Check out the short play and the song that they did on the YouTube channel on our school website.
Have a Happy and blessed Easter.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Irish Dancers

The Belgan Irish Dancers came to our campus and put on an amazing show. It was exciting to watch three of our classmates share their talents of Irish dance. The hard working dancers are Sophia, Ava, and Natalie. Congratulations on a great job. They were joined with three students from the Mequon campus. They are Maggie McDevitt, Tess Papageorge, and Riley West. Great dancing!