Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Discovery World

We had an amazing field trip to Discovery World. We started the adventure at the aquarium and we had a behind the scenes tour by Michael Kim's sister Theresa who is a marine biologist and an alumnae of Lumen Christi. We observed the different types of fish and we were able to touch some of them. Other highlights included being able to fly a plane, excavate soil using a huge machine, lay on a bed of nails, explore electrical currents and laugh as we shocked each other. 

We also explored the Great Lakes where we observed a simulated thunder storm. A fun activity was learning and observing how water from Thiensville travels to Lake Michigan. We were able to play on a ship that sailed on the lakes. 

The trip was a wonderful learning experience and we hope we can go back. 

Famous People

During the month of April the third graders read biographies. They had the opportunity to dress up as their famous person. Each child was interviewed to share information on their famous person. Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Bill Nye, Mia Hamm, and Harriet Tubman are just some of the people we learned about.