Thursday, December 5, 2013

Murals and Immigration Dolls


We are preparing our hearts during this Advent season. We start each week with a prayer service and the lighting of the candles on the Advent wreath. Each child has a Jesse Tree packet that they are coloring each day as they learn all about the ancestors of Jesus, starting with Adam and Eve. We also do a kind act from our Advent chain each day. The kids also made stockings for St. Nick.

We have received the sacrament of Reconciliation as we are getting ready for Christmas. We also helped the parish by switching all of the prayer books to the new edition. Placemats were made for the veterans for Thanksgiving and we will do it again for Christmas.

We enjoyed learning all the different places that our ancestors came from. We created dolls to symbolize our family.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Veterans Day

The Thiensville campus celebrated Mass on Wednesday with the veterans. Each child wrote a letter thanking a veteran for their service to our country. After Mass they joined them for some breakfast treats and conversation. We were very proud on how respectful they were to the veterans.

On Friday afternoon both classes went to the Upper Room in the church and enjoyed independent reading. Nothing is better than a nice block of time to relax and read a good book!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

More October Events

We accomplished many things this month. We began being acolytes to the Wednesday Mass and we enjoy the opportunity to be with Father Dan. 
We achieved our goal for PBIS with voice levels and will be rewarded on Monday with a movie and treat in the gym with the whole school. 
We worked with Mrs. Yingling on our blogs so please check them out and feel free to comment on them.
Book Club with Mrs. Hussey began and everyone is doing it. We will be reading and discussing James and the Giant Peach.
We met our standard in math of fluency adding and subtracting to 1,000. We have done some fun activities to practice our facts and have begun working on Compass.
The Faith Builders from the Mequon campus came and shared information on our Catholic faith through game activities. It was fun.
Enjoy some pictures of us!


It was a fun day celebrating Halloween. The costumes were creative and scary. Even though the rain kept us inside, we still had a parade through the school and the gym. We enjoyed the classic Charlie Brown Halloween movie and munched on popcorn. Check out your child's blog on Halloween.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Beginning of October

Mass this week was exciting because C.J. and Cecilia were our first acolytes and they did a great job. Each week there will be two new acolytes and their pictures will get sent home to the parents and will be displayed in the hallway. We are thrilled with their contribution to our faith community.

We have enjoyed the nice weather at recess. Many third graders are enjoying the game "Capture the Flag." It is nice to have them playing as a team. Some of the girls and boys are busy sharing their talents in jewelry design with their creative rubber band bracelets.

We completed Maps testing and look forward to sharing the results with you.

Happy Fall!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Busy Month

We have accomplished so many things this month. It is an amazing group of third graders. We are proud of the many tickets that have been contributed to the rainbow in the hall for PBIS. We are doing an excellent job with VOICE levels.

The third graders have all started a blog. Ask your child to show it to you. We have included pictures that show us learning how to do it. 

It was fun sharing our book reports. The kids shared some amazing books and hopefully they will be encouraged to read more.

Another big event is starting next week.We will be the acolytes at Mass. Deacon Joe Wenzler, Cecilia's grandfather came to church and showed us the expectations of an acolyte. It will be very exciting. The first acolytes will be Cecilia and C.J.

Friday, August 30, 2013

First week

It was an amazing first week of school. We welcomed 4 new students: George, Jake, Samari, and Haddon. Looking forward to a great year!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome 2013-2014

Welcome to 3rd grade!
We are looking forward to a great year with all of the wonderful children of Lumen Christi Catholic School. We will be keeping you up to date on all of our wonderful learning experiences this year. 

Please keep checking in......

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

End school

It is almost the last day of school only two more days. I really wish that I could stay at this campus all the way through high school and have the same teacher every year. I will always remember the memories here 5k to 3rd. I have been here for four years and it will be scary when I go to the other campus and become the youngest grade instead of the oldest grade. I will miss this campus.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Today I went to the lounge which is our school attic. It was so fun. We did our school work and played on our school iPads. It was so relaxing.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Brewer Day

Today my class had a Brewer Day. We had a special lunch we had hot dogs, chips, carrots, pickles, and brownies. We also had out of uniform to wear brewer clothes. My class went outside and played a kickball game this afternoon. Brewers Day was so fun!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Today my class went to a seminary it was so big. A seminary is a place were people train to become priests. The place was so big to hold so much stuff there was a bowling alley, a gym, and a huge stair case that lead us to the top of the building. It was a beautiful sight and we saw Lake Michigan and the whole town. It was so fun!

Friday, May 3, 2013

First Week of May

Busy week! We had the pleasure of Mrs. Fussell teaching us Junior Achievement and we learned many things about our community. We learned about zoning, blueprints, starting a restaurant, designing a menu and being contributors as journalist to the newspaper. It was a lot of fun.

Still exploring crayfish in 3rd grade and visited the 5K kids to check out their science. We were thrilled when we saw the corn snake in their room. Check out your child's blog to see them with the snake.

Miss the paperless week!

Earth Day

My challenge today is to try to save a tree by not using paper all day with
my class. We will begin the day blogging about what Earth Day is all about.
We will discuss the history of Earth Day and talk about what small things
we can do preserve God's creation.
Earth Day PhotoImage from:

Paperless Week

Our class tried going paperless for a week and we did! We used the ipads and the computers. We even learned to use Google Docs for doing our spelling test. We did 6 Traits in writing where we need to visualize our words and we drew creative pictures on dry erase boards. In reading we worked on reading strategies using the app "Tools 4 Kids." Math was done on the smartboard and homework was on websites and ipad apps. The class was more engaged this week with learning. I would love to do it more often.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Six Traits Writing

We have been working on the trait "voice" in writing. We did rough drafts and now will keyboard our stories and edit them in the program "Word." The titles are interesting : My Family has a Penguin as a Pet, Cupcakes, Here Comes the Flower girl, and My Dog.