Thursday, October 31, 2013

More October Events

We accomplished many things this month. We began being acolytes to the Wednesday Mass and we enjoy the opportunity to be with Father Dan. 
We achieved our goal for PBIS with voice levels and will be rewarded on Monday with a movie and treat in the gym with the whole school. 
We worked with Mrs. Yingling on our blogs so please check them out and feel free to comment on them.
Book Club with Mrs. Hussey began and everyone is doing it. We will be reading and discussing James and the Giant Peach.
We met our standard in math of fluency adding and subtracting to 1,000. We have done some fun activities to practice our facts and have begun working on Compass.
The Faith Builders from the Mequon campus came and shared information on our Catholic faith through game activities. It was fun.
Enjoy some pictures of us!

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